Respond to the NOS Review

We the undersigned…

We the undersigned are writing to you directly to register our opinion on the additions proposed to NOS CNH1.

In response to the proposed change:

We support Addition 1:                         
Knowledge and Understanding
Add requirement:            

The claims for your discipline that can be made in your advertising including on social media. 

We do not support Addition 2:                         
Performance Criteria
Add requirement:            

Comply with the Advertising Standards Authority Non-Broadcast Code of Advertising and section 4 of the Cancer Act 1939

We would suggest the following is more appropriate as an addition to the Performance Criteria of CNH1:

Adhere to and abide by all applicable laws and regulations.

For clarity the NOS should refer to the law and not to a third-party interpretation of the law.

We have not been made aware of the review by Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and are concerned that the appointment of one standard setting organisation amongst many in the sector does not meet the Representative Stakeholder Consultation requirements in 2.2 of Quality Criteria for development of National Occupational Standards   As well as being poorly circulated the survey has no method of validating the respondents. It is thus unfit for purpose.

Respond to NOS Review

Please add my name to the list of those objecting to the change to the National Occupational Standard CNH1.