STOP Changes to National Occupational Standards (NOS) for Complementary and Natural Health

A request has been made to add two new requirements to the National Occupational Standard CNH1.

Addition 1:                          Knowledge and Understanding
Add requirement:          
The claims for your discipline that can be made in your advertising including on social media.          

Addition 2:                          Performance Criteria
Add requirement:          
Comply with the Advertising Standards Authority Non-Broadcast Code of Advertising and section 4 of the Cancer Act 1939

What would this change mean?
Should this change be made; it would mean that to be deemed ‘competent’ a practitioner in ANY discipline would need their promotion and advertising not to adhere to the law directly but to an interpretation of the law made by a voluntary code defined and controlled by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

At the choosing of the ASA, this change can have a significant impact on your ability to advertise your services, obtain insurance, obtain a Special Treatment Licence, or defend yourself in court.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is a private company financed by a voluntary levy on advertising. It is not regulated and has no government oversight. The ASA is free to change its’ interpretation without consultation or input from the profession.

Insurance providers, local licensing authorities, courts, and awarding bodies all use National Occupational Standards to assess competency and safe practice.

Have your opinon heard

Click Here to Sign the Response Letter

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